Champion 1st Premie Ster/Provisional Crown, Mare Champion and Best of the Show.
Owned by CCFC Members Jason and Tabitha Mouck
CLICK Here to See a Short movie Clip of the Champion Mare

Class and Raffle Sponsors:

Grand Meadows
Santa Rosa Saddlery, Ed Olsen, 5338 Hwy 12 West, Santa Rosa, CA 95407, 707-527-8225
Hunt & Behrens, inc. John Martin , petaluma CA, 707-762-4594
Saddles to Boots. Sebastopol, CA 95472,
Maddi's Friesian Ranch, Gardnerville NV.
The Baroque Horse Store
Cowboy Magic, 1200 N Van Buren Street, Anaheim, CA 92807, 800-755-6844

A BIG thank you to all the CCFC members who volunteered their time to help with this event on the day, several of which drive 3+ hours to be with us! Shea Elledge, Brigitte Bondoux, Sunni and David Stecher, Lesley-Ann and Tim van Darren, Melissa Fischbach, Cindy Cole, Muriel Price, Susan Hall, Gina Sierra, Lisa Fuetsch and Cally Matherly.

A big thank you to Megan and Sharon at FHANA, who also had to help us with our venue, last minute entries etc.

Our Show day dawned as a breezey beautiful sunny day that climbed slowly up into the 80-low 90's. All ended on a high note, but…. there were some big glitches.. First Glitch; The Fairgrounds this year was under new management, they argued for weeks about the Insurance form, did not have any grounds crew working on Wednesday our set up day, and then they Promptly locked the gates at 5:00 Pm. With some serious discussion our liaison finally provided one of us with the gate combo so we could get trailers in. The next glitch came later that same day……

The Judges and Runner were supposed to arrive on the same flight from the Oregon Keur at 5:30 PM However the runners having been driven separately to the airport from the OR inspection missed their flight, and had to take a later flight not arriving until 9:00 PM ! This made for a very long day in which the runners and the judges did not arrive until 12:30 Pm to the hotel. !

The 3rd glitch was also provided to us by the fairgrounds. Apparently they did not tell any of the grounds crew what the work orders were for that day. We had planned to start our Inspection at 9pm since we had about ˝ the number of horses this year. We fully expected to have the arena watered, flattened, sound systems, extra fencing etc to all be set up between 6-7am. But we had to go and find the grounds crew because no one showed up. They finally got finished with the arena and fences etc. probably 5 minutes before our show started and they sound man did not arrive until we were already on or 5th horse!! However our northern CA horses did very well, Mr. Jan Hendricks commented several times on how good the quality of horses was this year. Both judges seemed in good spirits and we thank them for coming.

We had 26 horses shown out of the 14 mares shown for studbook and Ster plus 4 repeats, we had an incredible 6 star mares, including one that made provisional crown. We also had four 3rd premie's and only 4 that were simply awarded Studbook two of those because they were two short.

Another little surprise was that apparently unbeknownst to us and perhaps FHANA? Was that the height requirements have all gone up and horses must now be 154 cm to be in the studbook and 156 cm to make ster ( used to be 150 for studbook and 155 for ster).

new this year the Judges measured the 3+ yr old horses going for Studbook and Ster PRIOR to the class. I think, this was a much kinder way to proceed as in this instance the two horses that were measured as too short for Ster the owners already undersood that they would not be considered. In past year I have found owner to be very dissapointed for their horse to get Ster only to have it taken away after the measuring.

The runners this year were wonderful, very friendly and very professional in their conduct and the handling of the horses, the owners all seemed very happy with them.

Our Inspection ended in the early afternoon at 1:30 the runners were able to take showers , while the judges relaxed in the shade, then they all jumped in the car with Cally Matherly who was driving them to the next inspection at Hanford….

So another year's inspection completed. Next year is our 10th year hosting an inspection…. We might have to do something to celebrate! Thank you all who helped.

Sincerely, Melissa Fischbach
President, CCFC

~PHOTOGRAPHS ~ Cally Matherly Our show Photographer was Cally Matherly and she took photos of ALL the horses shown, please visit her website shortly to see and order photos.

Name Category Premie/Rating Sire Dam's Sire Owner
Catagoy 1 Colts for Foalbook
705 Diogenes Cat.1 3rd Wander 352 Jochem 259 Ruth Page-CCFC Member
706 Elijah M.F.R. Cat.1 2nd premie, CHAMPION Fridse 423 Sierk 326 Ruth Page-CCFC Member
732 Frans Cat.1 2nd Tietse 428 Nanno 372 Jon Jasper/Julie O'brian -CCFC members
702 Donovan Cat.1 2nd premie, RES. CHAMPION Tietse 428 Jasper 366 Jon Jasper/Julie O'brian-CCFC members
729 Darth Vader of Camel Cat.1 2nd Sibald 380 Bonne 341 Jon Anderson, CCFC member
Catagoy 2 Fillies for Foalbook
707 Dahlia G.F. Cat.2 2nd premie, RES. CHAMPION Tietse 428 Warn 335 E. Jenner
708 First lady Cat.2 1st premie CHAMPION Fridse 423 Dirk 298 Ruth Page-CCFC Member
709 Diana M.F.R. Cat.2 2nd Mintse 384 Teade 392 Ruth Page-CCFC Member
723 Denne RS Cat.2 2nd Mintse 384 Rypke 321 Jason/Tabitha Mouck- CCFC members
701 Evangeli Cat.2 2nd Tietse 428 Jochem 259 Jon Jasper/Julie O'brian-CCFC members
Cat.5 4+ Mares for Studbook/Ster
710 Sonja Van Dollen Cat.5 2nd Premie STER Ulbert 390 Oege 267 Linda Young/Christine Brecht CCFC members
Cat.6 3+ Mares for Studbook/Ster
Tsjitske fan Sinserhus Cat.6 1st P.STER/ Prov.CROWN, CHAMPION MARE/SHOW Sape 381 Olof 315 Jason/Tabitha Mouck -CCFC members
712 Trix van de Weteringhoeve Cat.6 2nd premie STER Jasper 366 Abel 344 Jason/Tabitha Mouck -CCFC members
713 Tyra Banks Cat. 6 Stb 3rd premie Lolke 371 Leffert 306 Marilyn Persiani
715 theodora GF Cat. 6 Stb Sibald 380 Warn 355 E. Jenner
716 Ulkje fan de Sturken Cat. 6 Stb Brandus 345 Tjimme 275 Linda Johnson
724 Valeree of Dreams C.T.F. Cat. 6 Stb Teade 392 Ludse 305 Ruth Page -CCFC member
725 Vegaslas Cat. 6 2nd premie STER, RES. CHAMPION Beart 411 Teunis 332 Jeffery Duffield
726 Verona B.L. Cat. 6 2nd premie STER Teeuwis 389 Jildou Fan Vriesburg Taryn Hathaway
Catagory 7, Mares repeat for Ster
717 Djoeke T. Cat.7 3rd Premie Anton 343 Jochem 259 K. Enriquez
718 Mindra ISF Cat. 7 3rd Premie Jasper 366 Anton 343 Jason/Tabitha Mouck -CCFC members
719 Shieka of Noble Cat. 7 3rd premie Anne 340 Nykle 309 Dana Schmieding/Angie Davis
727 Obrienne Cat. 7 2nd Premie STER Sibald 380 Jochem 259 Don Jasper/Julie O'brian -CCFC members
Catagory 9, 7+ Star Mares for Premium
728 Titia Cat. 9 2nd premie STER Jochem 259 oege 267 Ruth Page - CCFC Member
Catagory 13 Geldings Repeat for Ster
721 Glor van de Bist Cat.13 stb, 3rd Premie -CHAMPION Feitse 293 Oege 267 Dana Leavitt
722 Ole fan Sil Cat.13 Stb. Dirk 298 Erin O'Malley