CCFC Member Lizett Mabini will be coordinating parking at a nearby farm "Tulucay Farm" Address is 5310 Biava Ave in Napa
It is located 1.6 miles or 5 minute drive from Rapp ranch. They can handle many vehicles.
They will park you and give you a ride over to the Inspection.
Charges will be $10.00 for truck or car and $15.00 for truck and trailer.
When we run out of space at Rapp Ranch we can park trailers and cars etc there.
Please contact Lizett 707-225-4984 or e-mail: to coordinate parking if you wish to be a spectator
"Tulucay Farm" Address is 5310 Biava Ave in Napa
Directions from Rapp Ranch are:
Continue on 2ND AVE ( Coming out of Rapp Ranch) - go 0.3 mi
Turn Left on NORTH AVE - go 0.4 mi
Turn Right on 3RD AVE - go 0.3 mi
Turn Left on E 3RD AVE - go 0.5 mi
Turn Left on KIRKLAND RD - go 0.2 mi
Turn Right on BIAVA LN - go 0.2 mi
Arrive at 5310 BIAVA AVE on left hand side...gate will be open!
Melissa Fischbach
Inspection organizer
2008 BREED INSPECTION/KEURING, CCFC hosted Saturday, September 27th
in Napa, CA. Location: RAPP RANCH, NAPA, CA. We CCFC will be running this event please
WHY IS THE KEURING AT RAPP RANCH THIS YEAR???..... because the sonoma county Fairgrouds our usual facility was already fully booked for both arenas. we had to search far and wide to find a ficility that had 30+ empty stalls for our use. So we settled on Rapp Ranch in NApa, it has the open stalls, but parking WIll be tight. So this year we are not advertizing this event to the public. if you plan to attend as a spectator only and are not a volenteer or exchibitor please CARPOOL even if you have to meet up at a local store packing lot. Thank you
Click Here for printable directions
View a google earth ariel picture of the facility, and our limited parking
September 27th 2008 Kuering FPS/FHANA Friesian Horse Breed Inspection, Start time 9:30 ish AM until done (usually around 4pm)
Hosted By CCFC, Judges: Sjouke de groot and Pieter Bergsma
If you have questions on how a horse is shown for a kuering please go under our KUERING HOW TO
CCFC PRESIDENTS (melissa's) NOTE'S Q & A: I have been receiving calls daily, regarding the kuering here is the scoop;
STALLS: Will be Bedded in Shavings, stalls will be available for the Friday prior to the show, during the show, and arrangements can MAYBE be made for evening of the show.
If you are staying Friday night and want to use the stall during the inspection Day you will need to pay both fees. Shavings and cleaning are included with the fee.
YOUR EQUIPMENT: Please bring hay for your horses, as well as water buckets. Since all the stalls will be full this year and the trailers will not be parked nearby, I suggest that you bring a lockable tack trunk for your showing equipment.
PARKING:Parking will be tight this year, all exhibitors will have to unload and be directed by volunteers to parking areas, which can be some distance from the barn, this will have to be done quickly so as not to cause a backup of waiting rigs. please carpool if you can.
Anyone handling horses MUST FILL OUT Othe Rapp Ranch release form.
RUNNERS:Are paid in advance this year with your FHANA Inspection sign up form, please make sure that IF YOU PLAN TO USE THE RUNNERS YOU MARK THAT IN ADVANCE ON THE FHANA FORM
ARRIVALS: all horses MUST ARRIVE BEFORE THE SHOW STARTS which will be 9:30 am, if they have not already come in the night before.
ARENA AND BARNS There is a full size indoor arena with nike tennis shoe footing where we will hold the Inspection. There will be a large holding area nearby but not adjoining, where pending exhibitors can wait for their turn.FOALS CANNOT BE LOOSE AT ANY TIME, OTHER THEN DURING THEIR TURN IN THE ARENA
NO SMOKING, NEAR THE BARN OR ARENA, SERIOUSLY this year smoking around the horses and spectators is NOT ALLOWED, This is a FACILITY RULE, and will be enforced Smokers will be asked to remove themselves from the barn and arena area to a designated smoking area.
THE EVENT STAFF will be CCFC members volunteering their time, they will all have walkie talkies, and green "event staff" tee shirts. Please be courteous to the volunteers, kindly follow instructions and allow them to guide you though this process.
CCFC Management The CCFC board members running this event, retain the right to bar an exhibitor from showing. General refusals would be on these grounds: Horses that are displaying any signs of illness, Horses that are not pre-signed up with FHANA for the inspection, or inspection site.
Exhibitors displaying Extreme rudeness, disrespect, abuse or endangerment, to horse or human.
ORDER OF GO: We are being asked to arrange to have the horses presented in the following order (Different from previous years):
STALLIONS. so that if the judges want to see a Central Proving Candidate back again, they can be told in advance, and seen again the same day.
MICRO CHIPS: A Vet WILL BE MICRO-CHIPPING FOALS at the keuring site, at the end of the show. all foals must BE MICRO CHIPPED a licensed vet must insert the chip and scan it for verification, sign a papers and that get sent to FHANA.
Each foal chipped will be charged a mandatory fee of $25.00. DO NOT LEAVE THE KEURING SITE PRIOR TO BEING CHIPPED!!
HEIGHT CERTIFICATE: There has been allot of confusion regarding this issue.
The judges WILL BE MEASURING HORSES at the Keuring sites
YOU MUST STAY with your horses AT THE KEURING SITE until AFTER ALL CLASSES of stallions, geldings, mares and repeat mares and have gone then have your horse measured by the judges.
(usually at noon but often at the end of the Keuring day)
the height certificate IS ONLY for people that left a Keuring site with their horses after it has been presented without staying for measurements. WITHOUT a height.... registration papers and or Ster statues cannot be issued.
So unless you took a horse for studbook or Ster last year and there was a change to the horses papers, and you left before measuring. you do not have to fill out the height certificate.
HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS: ( Minimum Heights for each category, your guessed it if you don't meet that height your horse will not be allowed into that category)
STUDBOOK Mare or Gelding 150 cm/14.3hh
STAR, Mare/Gelding/Stallion 155 cm/15.1hh
MODEL MARE/3 YEAR APPROV. STALLION: 158 cm/15.2 1/4 hh
APPROV. STALLION 4 to 4+ 160cm/ 15.3hh
BODY CLIPPING: DO NOT body clip your horse, to read what is allowable in clipping and cutting please go under "Friesian Questions" on this website.
SHOES: you may present your horse shod or un shod but it must be all four shod or all four barefoot. No Corrective shoeing or pads. Clips are fine. Bare foot horses should, be even and presented with good condition hoofs, I suggest a recent manicure :-)STALLIONS: can be shod or un shod, above rules apply, however stallion shown with shoes will have some of there measured height removed, at the discretion of the judges to account for the shoes added height.
HOTELS: Ok there are allot of events happening that weekend, I suggest if you need to get a hotel /motel room you start calling soon because many of the hotels are already fully booked, if you cannot find one in NAPA, Santa Rosa, Petaluma and Rhonert Park have many and is 35-45 minutes away.
CLICK HERE FOR NAPA Hotels/Motels/B& B's
Want to Know about allowable Clipping, Linear Scoring or how to present your horse? Please read under the "KEURING HOW TO PAGE" and "FRIESIAN QUESTIONS"
ADVERTISING IN PROGRAM THIS YEAR, Advertizing can be purchased Via the website as FHANA is provided programs.
....end notes :-)